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Cappella, E., O'Connor, E. E., McCormick, M. P., Turbeville, A. R., Collins, A. J. & McClowry, S. G. (2005). Classwide efficacy of INSIGHTS: Observed student behaviors and teacher practices in kindergarten and first grade. The Elementary School Journal, 116(2), 217-241.

Kruger, D. J., Carty, D. C., Turbeville, A. R., French-Turner, T. M., & Brownlee, S. (2015). Undoing racism through Genesee County's REACH infant mortality reduction initiative. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 9(1), 57-63.

Kruger, D. J., Turbeville, A. R., Greenberg, E. C., & Zimmerman, M. A. (2012). An Increase in economic adversity is associated with poorer self-reported physical and mental health. Journal of Behavioral Health, 1(2), 134-137.

McCormick, M., Turbeville, A., Barnes, S. P., & McClowry, S. (2014). Challenging Temperament, Teacher-child relationships, and behavior problems in urban low-income children: A longitudinal examination. Early Education and Development, 25(8), 1198-1218.

Turbeville, A., Aber, J. L., Weinberg, S. L., Richter, L., & van Heerden, A. (2019). Childhood economic well-being in South Africa: Empirically constructing a theoretically-grounded multidimensional measure. Child Indicators Research, 1-24.

Contact Me

Turbeville, A., Aber, J. L., Weinberg, S. L., Richter, L., & van Heerden, A. (in press). The relationship between multidimensional economic well-being and children’s mental health, physical health, and executive function in South Africa. Developmental Science.

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the point at which a trail begins.

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